My adventures & misadventures in parenting & life.

Sunday 15 July 2007

Todays Mutterings

I've been on the p.c for around an hour now & I can feel hubby's resentment wafting towards in waves of complete & utter silence. The sad thing is I love peace & quiet so it's not getting me off the p.c. I always win it's a hard lesson but one I'm determined he will eventually understand & more importantly accept lol

I'm too tired after the air show yesterday to do more than say I'll be posting on it tomorrow with terrible photos too as I'm no David Bailey. I did want to get some of the Italian Air Force but the ones I saw, well disappointing doesn't even class it, although the Czech & Brazilian forces were much, much better than I could ever have guessed.

This is "Spud" with two of his cousins, wearing his new coat I got him at the air show. I think he looks cute in it & I can't believe he's half me I mean where the hell did the gorgeousness come from ?

Anyway here's the photo

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