My adventures & misadventures in parenting & life.

Tuesday 12 February 2008

Love Is A Pig?

Instead of the usual chocolates and jewellery how about a truly original Valentines gift?
Something like this maybe?

Yes, it's the most cutest piglet I've ever seen with natural heart shaped patches although quite how lovely this would be as a Valentines gift in a few months is open to debate.

I think I love bacon sandwiches too much to really want this as a present!

3 people have experienced mischief:

Barb said...

Ohhh! When I was young, and after reading Charlotte's Web for the gazillionth time, I wanted a baby pig SO much!

Misty DawnS said...


I have a pig story though... we have a love-hate relationship - I LOVE to hate them. Trust me, if you read the story, you'd understand. They aren't as sweet as they look.

Tumblewords: said...

An adorable pig - how could one not heart him?