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13 Human Personality Types I Hate. 01) Racist. 02) Sexist. 03) Ignorant. 04) Dishonest. 05) Spiteful. 06) Self-centred. 07) Opinionated. 08) Belittle People. 09) Unhygienic. 10) Arrogant. 11) Entitled (think the world owes them a living). 12) Cheerful (first thing in the mornings). 13) Illogical or no common sense. Links to other Thursday Thirteens! 1. (leave your link in comments, I’ll add you here!) |
The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!
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18 people have experienced mischief:
I'm with you on 12 of them, but I can be cheerful first thing in the morning... Oops! ;-)
Thanks for visiting my TT; always nice to meet another RW-fan!
I'd like to say I can forgive most of those but being cheerful first thing in the morning because it sounds like a good line but I'd be telling a fib if I did...
interesting list
I agree with you on all of those. I can't stand it when someone is all cheery first thing in the morning when I can barely get my eyes open
Cheerful? In the morning? AAAACK! What a thought. ;-D I'm a chronic night owl myself!
A good list -- you've hit on many traits I dislike, as well.
Happy T13!
Id have to say i agree with most but not all. Great list:)
Wise words. I used to be cheerful in the morning, but I outgrew that. Since I had kids, oddly enough!
I'm with you on most of them!!!
Happy TT!!!
I think all morning cheerful people should be dumped on an island somewhere and get on each other's nerves.
Great list. I dislike many of the same things! Happy TT!
Great list. I would have to agree with you on all of those.
Okay, I try to be cheerful first thing in the mornings to throw people off-balance...does that count?
Happy TT.
I can't tolerate cheerful first thing in the morning!
I couldn't agree MORE with you!
Aaah. How could I forget Gremlins! Oh well. I couldn't agree more with your post! Have a great week!
Requisite snarky reply: At least you left "Judgemental" off the list.
I don't care for some of those either, particularly those cheerful morning people.
I agree, its a good thing you left judgemental off the list, and opinionated. Otherwise I'd need to leave quickly, lol.
Good TT! Some of them are on my hate list too. haha... Happy TT!
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